關於conductor同specific heat capacity既問題~

2007-09-22 3:26 am
poor conductor個SHC就會低d,
good conductor個SHC就會高d
e.g. polystylrene cup既SHC低過glass, 所以polystylrene cup係poor conductor

如果arm, 點解?

回答 (2)

2007-09-23 3:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
There is no connection between specific heat capacity and thermal conductivity. They are two different physical quantities.
The specific heat capacity measured the absorption of heat by a substance. The amount of heat absorbed is atttributed by the lattice (or molecular) vibration of the substance. For most solids at room temperature, the molar specific heat capacity is more or less a constant, about 25 J/mol-K
On the other hand, thermal conduction is attributed by the amount of free electrons present in the substance. This is why metals, which possess an abundance of free eelctrons, are usually good thermal conductors.
2007-09-22 7:59 am
Good thermal conductor 的SHC細d!!!!!!!

e.g. SHC of metals (GOOD conductor) around a few hundreds while SHC of water (POOR conductor) is 4 200!!!!!!

SHC細means 它只需要少少能量(energy)便足夠提升溫度, 就如metals般很快會好熱, 因它transfer heat faster (due to free electrons).

2007-09-23 21:24:50 補充:
1. 只是pure metal in solid state 的molar specific heat capacity 大約是25 (而且以1 mole的份量, 24 與 25相差也已經很大)2. 因metals有free electrons, 所以它們傳熱快些, 故整体於(比insulators)較短時間可上升溫度. 但受熱時間長短正正與吸收能量的多少成正比, 亦即是它們要較少能量上升溫度, 故它們的specific heat capacity 較insulators的細.

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