
2007-09-22 3:14 am
學歷一項的要求是 : non-degree tertiary 即是什麼 ?
如香港中五畢業, 有考 HKCEE 再加有 Professional Diploma 合資格嗎 ??

回答 (2)

2007-09-22 6:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
因為non-degree tertiary係指專上教育,泛指完成中五之後再修讀既課程,例如IVE或者U開既DIPLOMA/HI-DIP

實際上,如果你唔係呢兩間既DIP/HI-DIP就窄D,因為而家通街都有DIP COURSE讀,我係僱主既都會揀間我聽過既。但係我覺得可以一試,因為請得NON-DEGREE TERTIARY既應該學歷要求唔太求,反而要求你個人醒醒目目,人工唔太高,面試表現反而重要得多!
參考: 自己
2007-09-22 3:29 am
Non-degree tertiary means that it is a certificate but not a university degree.
You are higher than form 7 but no yet getting a university degree e.g. 副學士
如香港中五畢業, 有考 HKCEE 再加有 Professional Diploma 合資格嗎 ??
Are you form 7 finishing student?
I think not 合資格. but you can try because sometimes if there isn't any qualified people applying for the position-the company may hire the people even though you are not 合資格.

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