
2007-09-22 2:52 am

回答 (2)

2007-09-22 3:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
Barium has some medical and many industrial uses:

Barium compounds, and especially barite (BaSO4), are extremely important to the petroleum industry. Barite is used in drilling mud, a weighting agent in drilling new oil wells.
Barium sulfate is also a good X-ray absorber, used in X-ray diagnostic work for obtaining images of the digestive system ("barium meals" and "barium enemas").
Barium carbonate is a useful rat poison and can also be used in making bricks. Unlike the sulfate, the carbonate dissolves in stomach acid, allowing it to be poisonous.
An alloy with nickel is used in spark plug wire.
Barium oxide is used in a coating for the electrodes of fluorescent lamps, which facilitates the release of electrons.
The metal is a ^getter^ in vacuum tubes, to remove the last traces of oxygen.
Barium carbonate is used in glassmaking. Being a heavy element, barium increases the refractive index and luster of the glass.
Barite is used extensively in rubber production.
Barium nitrate and chlorate give green colors in fireworks.
Impure barium sulfide phosphoresces after exposure to the light.
Lithopone, a pigment that contains barium sulfate and zinc sulfide, is a permanent white that has good covering power, and does not darken in when exposed to sulfides.
Barium peroxide can be used as a catalyst to start an aluminothermic reaction when welding rail tracks together. It can also be used in green tracer ammunition.
Barium titanate was proposed in 2007 to be used in next generation battery technology for electric cars.
Barium Fluoride is used in infrared applications.
Barium is a key element in YBCO superconductors.

I hope this can help your understanding. =)
2007-09-22 3:02 am



要注意的是,可溶的鋇鹽都是有劇毒的(碳酸鋇(BaCO3)雖不溶於水,但與胃液反應後也有鋇離子逸出),比如氯化鋇,如不慎口服,可以迅速服用硫酸鉀溶液緩解毒性(Ba2+ + SO42- → BaSO4(沉澱)),之所以用硫酸鉀,是因為鋇離子能引起低血鉀癥狀。因此鋇化合物的置備是經由硫酸鹽處理後,再還原成硫化物。

名稱, 符號, 序號 鋇、Ba、56
系列 鹼土金屬
族, 周期, 元素分區 2族, 6, s
密度、硬度 3510 kg/m3、1.25
顏色和外表 銀白色

地殼含量 0.03 %
原子量 137.327 原子量單位
原子半徑 (計算值) 215(253)pm
共價半徑 198 pm
范德華半徑 無數據
價電子排布 [氙]6s2
電子在每能級的排布 2,8,18,18,8,2
氧化價(氧化物) 2(強鹼性)
晶體結構 體新立方格
物質狀態 固態(順磁性)
熔點 1000 K(727 °C)
沸點 2143 K(1870 °C)
摩爾體積 38.16×10-6m3/mol
汽化熱 142 kJ/mol
熔化熱 7.75 kJ/mol
蒸氣壓 98 帕(371K)
聲速 1620 m/s
電負性 0.89(鮑林標度)
比熱 204 J/(kg·K)
電導率 3×106/(米歐姆)
熱導率 18.4 W/(m·K)
第一電離能 502.9 kJ/mol
第二電離能 956.2 kJ/mol
第三電離能 3600 kJ/mol
同位素 豐度 半衰期 衰變模式 衰變能量
MeV 衰變產物
130Ba 0.106 % 穩定
132Ba 0.101 % 穩定
133Ba 人造 10.51年 電子捕獲 0.517 133Cs
134Ba 2.417 % 穩定
135Ba 6.592 % 穩定
136Ba 7.854 % 穩定
137Ba 11.23 % 穩定
138Ba 71.7 % 穩定

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