
2007-09-22 2:40 am
1. 公司規定,只可住4個人.
2.唔該打開銀紙( 不要摺疊起來 )因為我看不見

回答 (7)

2007-09-22 2:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
Translation according to my knowledge instead of the translation machine (not make sense):
1. 公司規定,只可住4個人。
According (根據) to the company ' s regulation (制度), only four people are allowed to live in.
2. 唔該打開銀紙(不要摺疊起來), 因為我看不見。
Please unfold (攤開/展開) the bank notes (鈔票) {don ' t fold them up (摺疊) }. It is because I can ' t review (檢視) them.

2007-09-22 21:55:13 補充:
Tks for the generosity of credit points and the full support by Lemontea !
2007-09-22 4:31 pm
Hope the below helps you:
1. There should be a maximum of 4 person staying at a time as per company regulation.
2. Please unfold all money as I cannot see them.
1. A maximum of 4 person is allowed at one time as per company regulation.
2. All money must not be folded as I cannot see them.
2007-09-22 3:47 pm
1) According to the company's regulations, only 4 poeple can live here.
2) Please open the silver paprer (don't fold it) because I can't see it.
2007-09-22 2:32 pm
1. 公司規定,只可住4個人.
A limit to four residents according to the company's policy.

2.唔該打開銀紙( 不要摺疊起來 )因為我看不見
Please unfold the bank notes as I cannot see them.
2007-09-22 8:45 am
1. According to the company's rules, only 4 people can live in.
2. Please unfold/open up the notes (do not fold up) because I cannot see.
2007-09-22 3:06 am
1. Only four residents are allowed according to company's regulation.

2. Please keep the banknotes open. Never fold them up as I cannot see.
2007-09-22 2:45 am
1. 公司規定,只可住4個人.
Dr.eye: 1. The company stipulates, 4 people only available. 2.唔該打開銀紙( 不要摺疊起來 )因為我看不見 Dr.eye: 2.Well should open the silver paper ( Don't fold up )Because I can not see

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