
2007-09-22 2:36 am




5*我表弟很擅長打basketball .他是校隊的.



回答 (5)

2007-09-22 2:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
1* There are forty eight students in our class.
2* He will be very happy when we talk about playing badminton.
3* It is very easy to remember my niece's birthday.
4* My favourite subjects are biology and science.
5* My cousin is good at playing basketball. He is one of the school team.
6* What do you like doing in your spare time?
2007-09-22 5:22 am
There are forty eight students in our class.
He will be very excited when we talk about playing badminton.
It is very easy to remember my niece's birthday.
My favourite subjects are biology and science.
5*我表弟很擅長打basketball .他是校隊的.
My cousin is good at playing basketball. He is one of the member in school team.
What do you like doing in your spare time?
參考: Me
2007-09-22 2:55 am
1* There are forty eight students in our class.

2* He will be very excited when we talk about playing badminton.

3* It is very easy to remember my niece's birthday.

4* My favourite subjects are biology and science.

5* My cousin is good at playing basketball. He is one of the school team.

6* What do you like doing in your spare time?

welcome welcome welcome>
參考: --"
2007-09-22 2:48 am
There are 48 in our class.
Refer to play badminton,He will be very excited.
It is very easy to write on my niece's birthday.
My favorite subject is organism and science.
My cousin is very good at basketball.He belongs to school team .
What is liked doing when being idle?
2007-09-22 2:39 am

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 22:31:28
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