tomorrow 簡寫??

2007-09-22 1:05 am
tomorrow 簡寫 究竟是 trm 定係 tom 呢??

請 sure 才好答!! Thank u

回答 (6)

2007-09-22 1:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
有"l"可能係因為發音row 與 lo 相似
參考: 自己
2007-09-22 1:16 am
should be tmr
參考: me
2007-09-22 1:10 am
tomorrow 簡寫 是 trm 定係 tom 呢??
兩個都不是, 應該 tmw

2007-09-21 17:21:30 補充:
sorry, 無研究過呢個先後次序嘅問題只是, 我哋寫 fax or email 嘅時侯, 相方面好common嘅溝通文字啫所以續漸演變成大家認可的簡寫
2007-09-22 1:10 am
簡寫是 trm,but don't use to much or you will forget the real spelling!**Tom is a kind of name**
參考: Myself
2007-09-22 1:09 am
usually TMW
2007-09-22 1:08 am
is trm

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