
2007-09-22 12:07 am
我想寫一封email係有關 : 一個sales想約我一個時間have a meeting at the shop, 我又想去間shop到睇吓, 但又唔想約實佢 "meeting" 喎, 所以我想"模稜兩可"又有禮貌咁拒絕佢的appointment, 英文可以點寫呀 ?

thank you [albertkc2002], it is very helpful

回答 (1)

2007-09-24 8:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
Thank you so much for your invitation, that is great you offer me a chance for the visit, unfortunately I have been engaged at the same time with other appointment being fixed before. I 'd be grateful if I could have an option of time from you.

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