貧者越貧,富者越富 ge英文應該點講..?

2007-09-21 11:12 am
貧者越貧,富者越富 呢個現象如果用英文應該點講..?
thx a lot..~~

回答 (4)

2007-09-21 6:17 pm
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首先同你講個生字,外國人若講貧富,雖然也會講the poor and the rich,但更常講是the haves and the haves-not,若你有看英文報紙的習慣,你會發現多數報章都會用the haves and the haves-not而少用the poor and the rich
”貧者越貧,富者越富這個現象”:現象可以叫:phenomenon,所以全句可說成:the phenomenon that the gap between the haves and the haves-not are widening,
或者可以更簡單地說:the phenonmenon of the widening gap between the haves and haves-not,
若你想直接譯你的原句,可說成:the phenonmenon that the haves becomes richer and the haves-not poorer
”the fact that the gap between the haves and haves-not is widening...
2007-09-21 8:39 pm
貧者越貧,富者越富 呢個現象如果用英文應該點講..?
The poverties getting worse while the riches got richer, that is the irregular phenomenon of today.
Poverty (noun)
Phenomenon (noun)
參考: SELF
2007-09-21 11:25 am

The poor ones becomes poorer, while the rich ones becomes richer.
2007-09-21 11:20 am
i.e. The disparity between the rich and poor has widen in the past decade.
i.e. The gap between the rich and poor has grown steadily during the past 5 years.
參考: Myself. I live in the US.

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