求 英文poem !! 緊急 20 點

2007-09-21 9:48 am
求英文poem一首,題目有關 the moon / mid-autumn festival

回答 (3)

2007-09-21 11:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
Poems with rhymes (押韻):

1. The Moon
Night is peaceful.
Full moon is beautiful.
The moon palace is palatial.
All about a goddess and rabbit tale.
Job of cutting Cinnamon is unbreakable.
peaceful (平靜) / full moon (滿月) / moon palace (月宮)
palatial (宏偉的) / goddess (女神,指嫦娥) / unbreakable (牢不可破的)
Cinnamon (桂樹) (相傳神仙吳剛被上天懲罰,要砍伐一棵永砍不斷的玉桂樹)

2. Mid-Autumn Festival
The Mid-Autumn Festival.
Reunion dinner is so delightful.
To play lantern but not fire or candle.
Ice-skin moon cake is special & wonderful.
Starfruit and persimmon so juicy so palatable.
reunion (團聚) / delightful (開心的) / lantern (燈籠) / candle (蠟燭)
ice-skin moon cake (冰皮月餅) / starfruit (楊桃)
juicy (多汁的) / palatable (可口的)
persimmon (柿子)
參考: My creations
2007-09-21 10:25 am
During the mid-autumn festival,
The sky looked very beautiful;
Kids play with their candle toy,
Friends have beer and all enjoy.

(Generally in English poems, which is different from Chinese poems, every pair of sentences should end in rhythm.)

Hope you like it.
2007-09-21 9:57 am
In mid-autumn festival,
there is a moon,
In mid-autumn festival,
we like play candle


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