primary school maths - HOW MANY STUDENTS IN THE CLASS?

2007-09-21 7:09 am
There are 17 students interested in Chinese subject, 15 for english and 15 for maths..
In which, 2 of them like both Chinese and English subject, 4 of them like both Eng and maths subjects; and 5 of them like both Chinese and Maths..
***Hence, there are no students interested in ALL 3 subjects at the same time..

pls use primary school standard to form the formula and calculate the asnwers.
Besides, please MUST show the forumula for how to find out the answers.

無人三心兩意的.. 只系無人同時中意3科

回答 (2)

2007-09-21 7:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
淨喜歡中文的有 17-2-5人 = 10人
淨喜歡英文的有 15-2-4人 = 9人
淨喜歡數學的有 15-4-5人 = 6人
其他三心兩意的有 2+4+5人 = 11人

共有:: 10+9+6+11人=36人


the students who love Chinese only = 17-2-5 = 10pp
the students who love English only = 15-2-4 = 9pp
the students who love Maths only = 15-4-5= 6pp
the students who have double-minded= 2+4+5 = 11pp

Total = 10+9+6+11 =36pp

2007-09-21 00:15:21 補充:
淨喜歡中文的有 17-2-5人 = 10人淨喜歡英文的有 15-2-4人 = 9人淨喜歡數學的有 15-4-5人 = 6人對兩種科目都有興趣的有 2+4+5人 = 11人對三種科目都有興趣的有 0人共有:: 10+9+6+11+0人=36人
參考: ME
2007-09-21 7:17 pm
Answer is 36 students

Students interested in Chinese + English + Maths = 17+15+15=47

But 2 interested in Chinese and Maths, 4 interested in English and Maths,
5 interested in Chinese Maths, as these are double counted.

The students in the class is 47-2-4-5= 36
參考: me

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