2題math = 40分 (1) urgent!

2007-09-21 5:57 am
1)given two straight line L1:2x+5y+6=0 and L2:x-4y+8=0,if another straight line L has the same slope as L,and the same y-intercept as L2, find the eqt of L

2)If the slope and y-intercept of the straight line L:ax+by+6=0 are 3 and 4 respectively,find a and b

回答 (1)

2007-09-21 6:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
(1) If the slope is the same as L1,
Equation of L is 2x+5y +C =0 ----------(1) where c is constant
y-intercept of L2, when x = 0, -4y +8=0 +> y =2
Sub (0,2) into Eq(1);
2(0)+ 5(2)+C=0
C = =-10
Therefore, the equation L is 2x+5y-10 =0
(2) L: ax+by+6=0
slope of L: 3 = -a/b ------(1)
At y--intercept (0,4), => b(4) + 6 =0
b = -3/2
from Eq(1)
3 = -a/(-3/2)
a = 4.5

2007-09-21 21:02:53 補充:
下面那個答這題的人,將slope 的"負"號取消咗,所以佢個答案係錯
參考: My calculation

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