
2007-09-21 5:51 am

回答 (1)

2007-09-21 6:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) to understand that country's culture
to relax from the stress of their works or schools

2) before: --> no airplanes, people don not have so much $ to go to trip
--> people do not what to know the other country's cuture, they think that it is
useless to know about it
after : --> people sometimesgo to other country for work
but they stay there for some more days for a little "trip"
--> more people will go to trip on special holidays
--> can travel to other country easily,
with planes, ferries.........
--> people want to have more experience throughout the trip

********* it's hard to think****************
************CHOOSE ME !!!!!!!!!!!!******************
參考: CHOOSE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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