在香港, 那裡有 Eviews 這個統計學軟件的課堂上呢?

2007-09-21 5:12 am
請問有沒有人知道我可以在那裡找到例如 "Eviews 入門"之類的課堂上呢?

回答 (1)

2007-09-21 5:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
Learning EViews
An interactive self-paced tutorial for students in Economics



Welcome to our technology preview for an on-line, interactive, self-paced EViews tutorial. This tutorial utilizes many technologies to assist students with learning EViews. You will notice the main window above features a "virtual" EViews session, which will display animated examples of EViews in action.
The instructions also include an occasional [Hint] and definition where appropriate. Navigation controls, and a complete index of tutorials, are above to the right. Suggestions are welcome!....................

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