What's the meaning of "what r u up to?"

2007-09-21 4:51 am
What's the meaning of "what r u up to?"

回答 (4)

2007-09-22 8:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
其實類似 "How are you?" 但這句較口語化, 照字面解釋就是你近排忙些什麼呢? 但中學好少教這些地道口語, 因此我們只會說How are you? 而若用於書面語, What r u up to?便不太好了, 我們會用How have you been?

除此之外, 我們還會說:
How ya doing? (How are you doing?)
What's up? (Sup)有時美國人只會說 sup.
How is it hanging?

以上的短句的意思都是How are you?其中以How is it hanging 較為粗俗, 因為How is it hanging 的it 是指男性性器官, (是二位美國朋友告訴我的), 意思就是你感覺如何呢, 我覺得我未必要用這句, 但起碼要明白點解!

另外, 美國人愛以dude 或man 稱呼對方, like What's up dude? (男仔與男仔間的稱呼), 美籍黑人會說成 "What's up bro" 而英國及澳洲便會用 "mate" 這字, 就如中文的"兄弟"一樣.
2015-08-21 12:37 pm
i am an ugly flying blue cow yeah99990
2007-09-21 9:43 am
In USA, this mean "Hi"
just like " What's Up?"
" How you doing?"

Not much meaning in it.
2007-09-21 5:59 am
' WHAT R U UP TO?' actually means ' what are you up to?'' and it is also means' what are you?'.

hope i can help

2007-09-21 17:26:00 補充:
In chinese , it means "您是什麼?'

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