Biology: About Protoctist

2007-09-21 4:48 am
Can you explain these things in simple English? (notes copy from the teacher)
1) What is membrane bounded organelles?
2) What is true nucleus?
3) Can you explain this sentence?
eukaryotic with true nucleus and membrane bounded organelles (Prokaryotic/ Prokaryote:no true nucleus.

回答 (2)

2007-09-22 6:32 pm
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1)that is organelle surronded by membrane~
organelle is a structure in cell with specialized functions.
membrane is a thin layer covering made of fats

2)true nucleus is one of the membrane bounded organelles which contains the genetic materials

3)First ,you have to know what are eukaryotes and prokaryotes,
Eukaryotes refer to Eukarya,Prokaryotes refer to Bacteria and Archaea
Eukarya,Bacteria and Archaea are three most inclusive categories(Domains) used in classification of organisms.

In descending order,the categories follows Domains are Kingdom,phylum,class,order,family,genus,species.

Protoctist is a kingdom under domain Eukarya,they have common features with other eukaryotes that they have true nucleus and membrane bounded organelles ,that means their genetic materials and other organelles are surrended by membrane.

Common examples of membrane bounded organelles are mitochondria, chloroplasts, Endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi bodies.

Prokaryotes like bacteria and archaebacteria do not have true nucleus,that means their genetic materials just floating in the cytoplasm,without surrended by membrane.(naked)
2007-09-21 7:23 am
1. Membrane bound organelles refers to different parts of the cells are surrounded by a membrane.
membrane is a thin layer that is made up of "fats"

2. true nucleus is the core of the cell which has the DNA in it. the "membrane" can be seen in the microscope

3. Eukaryotic refers to the domain which include plants and animals
Prokaryotes are bacteria

eukaryotic with true nucleus and membrane bound organelles = plants and animals cells have the membrane around the different compatments and the nucleus is also membrane bound

Prokaryotic/ Prokaryote:no true nucleus. = bacteria also have DNA, but the DNa is not contain in any membrane

I can only explain like this using simple english. It is actually easir for you to understand if you see the pictures.
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