
2007-09-21 2:39 am

A pan of oil is on fire,and I can only find a bottle of water and a wet towel.
a.)Which one I should use to put out the fire??Explain why it canbe used with the help of the fire triangle
b.)Explain why the other thing cannot be used to put the fire.

回答 (4)

2007-09-21 2:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
Never use water to put off the petrol fire like oil on fire,
If you use water to put it off
the oil will not mixed with water
and oil will spin to every where with fire.

The best way to do is cover the pan with it cover to cut
off the support of oxygen.

But since you can only found wet towel
so use wet towel to cover the oil to cut off the oxygen support
參考: Just came back from learning centre, opened the computer and saw this. so I had well memory of this chapter.
2007-09-21 4:54 am
毛巾有機會可以撲滅, 只要毛巾的面積比那盤火大, 即可以完全蓋在火上,
因為毛巾濕了, 不易被燃點, 所以不會燒著,
而且宅可阻礙火與空氣的接觸, 當火沒有了氧氣, 火三角便被破壞, 火就自然會熄滅.

因為水的密度比油重, 兩者一般亦不能混合
所以水係會沉在下層, 比油上的火低, 所以不能因此降低溫度或阻隔空氣
參考: myself
2007-09-21 2:50 am

2007-09-20 18:51:21 補充:
2007-09-21 2:46 am
a. ) a wet towel , to remove heat from the fire .
b. ) because oil can't mix with water and it 'll spread out
參考: interactive science 2A

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