A question

2007-09-21 1:55 am
2. A motorcycle starting from rest accelerates uniformly to 20m/s in 10s.
(a) Find the acceleration of the motorcycle.
(b) If the motorcycle kept moving with uniform acceleration calculated in a), how much longer would it take for the motor cycle to attain a velocity of 50m/s.

回答 (2)

2007-09-21 2:01 am
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a = (v – u) / t
Therefore acceleration
= (20 – 0) / 10
= 2 ms-2

Apply a = (v – u) / t again,
2 = (50 – 20) / t
t = 30/2
t = 15 s
Therefore the motorcycle would take 15 more seconds (taken from the velocity of 20 m/s) to attain the velocity of 50m/s
2007-09-21 2:03 am
u=0, v= 20m/s, t =10s
v= u + at

20 = 0 +a(10)

a = 2 m/s²

v'= 50m/s, u'= v = 20m/s

v'= u' +aT

50 = 20 +2T

T = 15s

It takes 15s longer to attain the velocaity

收錄日期: 2021-05-03 05:58:06
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