翻譯文章, thank you

2007-09-20 11:12 pm
The following scene is not an imaginary one. It happens in Hong Kong and it happens with regularity. A man stands by a goods van as he looks for a victim among the crowds. As soon as he spots one, he approaches the victim, explaning that he is making a special delivery of an important material. He then offers the victim $200 to help guard the vehicle while he makes the delivery next door.

回答 (3)

2007-09-21 3:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
The following scene is not an imaginary one. It happens in Hong Kong and it happens with regularity. A man stands by a goods van as he looks for a victim among the crowds. As soon as he spots one, he approaches the victim, explaning that he is making a special delivery of an important material. He then offers the victim $200 to help guard the vehicle while he makes the delivery next door.
下列景象不是想像中的。 它在香港發生,它發生在規律性。 一個人站在一輛貨物客貨車旁邊,當他在那些人群中尋找一名受害者時。 他一認出一,他就與受害者,explaning接洽他正快遞一種重要的材料。 他然後提供受害者200 美元幫助警衛車輛當他打隔壁的交付時。
2007-09-20 11:36 pm
向收害者收的200 蚊是作為看管貨van的抵押
2007-09-20 11:26 pm

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