✔ 最佳答案
他的上司/主管很可能早已為不知如何開口解僱 (他?) 而費煞思量.
那位大亨不煙不酒, 但幾乎與此處每位美艷女星有一手.
他們只不過是佛口蛇心的人, 你要小心; 表面對你好, 背後有企圖.
pace up and down
to walk with regular steps in one direction and then back again, usually because you are anxious or worried:
He paced the room nervously.
He paced up and down, waiting for the doctor to call.
verb [T] -dd- OLD-FASHIONED
to have sex with someone
prey on sb phrasal verb
to hurt or deceive a group of people, especially people who are weak or can easily be hurt or deceived:
He would attack at night, preying on lone women in their twenties or thirties.
It's particularly contemptible that these sort of people prey on the elderly.
2007-09-20 16:25:04 補充:
cambridge dict. online
2007-09-25 13:50:43 補充:
多謝你, 中秋節快樂