
2007-09-20 7:33 pm
The Bar Palette is a friendly, warm, and sociable portion where it is my best post I like to work. This bar employed one staff who I worked closely with in first two months, Joelle. She is a super kindly colleague who helped me a lot when I had difficulties understand in French and my work during my internship. We also built our friendship at that time.

回答 (1)

2007-09-23 2:31 am
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The Bar Palette is a cosy and lovely place at where I'm working. ( Bar palette 到底係地方定係你既職位名呀? 我當住佢係地方先喇。。) There is another staff in this bar. She is Joelle whom I've been working closely with. Joelle is a kind and helpful colleague especially when I have difficulties understanding French. She has also helped one way or another in my work during my internship. I'm glad to know her as a friend.

On the other hand, I'm responsible for setting up and running the bar every morning which includes serving coffee, refilling good, delievering lunches, and also assisting in the maintainance of hygiene. Last but not least, providing quality service to our clients is also our top priorty.

我雖然英文都唔算太好﹐但係 我都希望幫到你喇。。

2007-09-22 18:36:08 補充:
where it is my best post I like to work <-- 我唔係好明你的意思同埋 我唔知點解你要加 cash are with Joelle 係里面。

2007-09-22 18:36:32 補充:
不過﹐如果你真係要加﹐ 你可以話 : On the other hand, I‘m responsible for setting up and running the bar every morning which includes serving coffee, refilling good, delievering lunches, and also assisting in the maintainance of hygiene whereas Joelle incharged of the handling of cash.希望你明白我所寫架喇。 :)
參考: 自己

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