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tiger by the tail
Meaning: Something too difficult to manage or cope with
Example: You know nothing about the commodities market; you'll end up catching a tiger by the tail.
(have a) score to settle / settle a score
Meaning : to retaliate against someone or take revenge for a past wrong.
(向人採取報復行動, 反擊)
Example: Jack has made an appointment with his lawyer - he has a score to settle with someone.
以下兩個網站都可以找到 idiom 的英文解釋
2007-09-20 12:48:58 補充:
(have a) score to settle / settle a score 又例如在去年校際比賽中, 你的學校被 ABC 校打敗.今年你的學校又再和 ABC 校作賽, 也可以說Your school has a score to settle with ABC school.(意思是去年你們輸了, 今年要向ABC校報復, 反擊)
2007-09-21 16:56:29 補充: