
2007-09-20 7:50 am

回答 (3)

2007-09-20 9:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
先學識英文拼音, 當遇到唔識既字就可以查字典搵拼音, 好自然就可以讀到出來.

要英文學得好, 首先要記多D單字/詞, 同埋攪清楚時態(文化)...
2007-09-21 6:59 am
I learn my English from a Western guy and my English is much better now. And, he told me that there is no Business English. Only ENGLISH. If you can communicate in the office, you can communicate outside the office too. If you can communicate outside the office, you can communicate in the office. And he is absolutely right! The only way is find a way to improve your English. And there is no such phrase "too late to learn".

Referring to your case, if you wanna know how to pronounce the words, you need to learn pronouciation. It is not difficult at all. There are some books in Page One that can help you out.
2007-09-20 11:42 am
我d英文都好差,因為工作需要,上個月都去咗報名學,依家進修梗商業英語文憑課程, 讀咗個幾月英文又真係有明顯嘅進步, 起碼對我份工有好大嘅幫助...
*** 但係千祈唔好去華x街... 我個fd報咗呢間學校, 全程都係對住部電腦上堂, 返咗兩個月都未見過老師嘅真身... ***
如果你有興趣想知多啲可以PM我, 我俾學校個電話你打去問...

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