
2007-09-20 5:19 am
就算, 現在城市人的思想開放, 我們也不應該這樣做

回答 (8)

2007-09-20 5:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
Even though, people are open minded, we should not do this

就算, 現在城市人的思想開放, 我們也不應該這樣做

2007-09-19 21:27:05 補充:
open thinkingforward thinking 都得

2007-09-19 21:28:28 補充:
forward thinking 好過 open thinking
參考: myself
2007-09-22 6:16 am
Calculated that, now the city person's thought opening, we should not do this
2007-09-20 10:29 pm
Even though people nowadays are open-minded, we are not supposed to that.
2007-09-20 9:57 pm
We shouldn't be doing this even people are now more open minded.
2007-09-20 6:22 pm
We can't do that again even though people living in the city take an opening of thought
2007-09-20 5:32 am
Even if, the opening of thought of urban people now, we should not do it in this way either
參考: 我
2007-09-20 5:29 am
Even though now the people living in the city have opened up their mind, we should not do so.
2007-09-20 5:27 am
although people open minded,we cannot do it.

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