Biology 滲透作用問題

2007-09-20 4:18 am
1. 10%的glucose solution放在透析管中,再將呢條透析管放入distilled water beaker中, 水就從外入cell 內. 但就算外面ge 水點入, 透析管中的water potential 一定不會等於零, 因為始終有glucose solution, 水應不停入, 但點解最後都停左?

2. 死左而有semi- perimeable membrane 的cells, 會唔會有osmosis?

3. 透析管是made of living cells nor died cells?

回答 (2)

2007-09-20 4:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
我想問你一條問題,唔知仔有冇做過衣個實驗啦,glucose solution擺入個透析管,再擺落去distill water度,咁d水係咪都會入去個透析管先? 咁衣個過程洗唔洗包佢一定有cell先?
每論任何(包括死物,透析管已是一個好例子)既野只要有semi- perimeable membrane 同濃度梯度就可以有osmosis,so就算佢個cell係死左,只要佢semi- perimeable membrane就得嫁喇

3)唔係好sure so答唔到你 sorry!

參考: me
2007-09-20 4:37 am

In the beginning, the water potential of the glucose solution is lower than that

of the distilled water.

Hence, water moves into the dialysis tubing by osmosis

and the concentration of glucose solution gradually decreases,

which gradually increases the water potential of the glucose solution.

Glucose molecules in the dialysis tubing also diffuse to the distilled water,

which may increase the water potential of the glucose solution.

When the water potential of the glucose solution equals that of the distilled water,

osmosis stops.

2. Osmosis occurs when there is a selectively permeable membrane seperating

solutions with different water potential.

Hence, osmosis also occurs in dead cells with semi-permeable membranes.

3. Dialysis tubing is not made of cells.

It is a plastic tubing with very small pores on the surface

such that it is selectively permeable to different molecules.

2007-09-19 21:33:17 補充:
1. (Additional)When osmosis stops, there is no net movement of water molecules.
參考: 自己

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