F5 math problems ( Summing a sequence )

2007-09-20 1:30 am
1.An insurance company promotes a ten-year life insurance with zero cost. In the scheme,$10000 is deposited by the insurer on the same insurance date of the year for ten years.After ten years, a total of $100000 is returned to the insurer.Assume that the interest rate is 4%p.a.,which is compounded annually.Find the actual cost to the nearest dollar of the life insurance policy.

2.The sum to infinity of an infinite geometric sequence is 16 and the sum to infinity of the squares of its terms is 153.6 . Find the common ratio and the fourth term of the sequence.

回答 (1)

2007-09-20 2:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
a = first term
r = common ratio
GP sum = a [ (r^n) –1 ] / (r-1)

a = 10000
r = 1.04
GP sum = 10000 [ (1.04^10) – 1] / (1.04 – 1)
= 120061 (to the nearest dollar)

Therefore actual cost is 120061 – 100000
= $20061

GP sum to infinity = a / (1 – r)
The sum to infinity of an infinite geometric sequence is 16 means:
a / (1 – r) = 16
a = 16(1-r)

The sum to infinity of the squares of its terms is 153.6 means:
a would become a^2
r would become r^2
a^2 / (1 – r^2) = 153.6
256 ( 1 – 2r + r^2 ) = 153.6 – 153.6 r^2
256 – 512r + 256r^2 = 153.6 – 153.6r^2
409.6r^2 – 512r + 102.4 = 0
4r^2 – 5r +1 = 0
r = 1/4 or 1 (rejected because r cannot be 1 or otherwise the 分母would equal to 0 )
a = 12
4th term is 12 x (1/4)^3 = 3/16
參考: 自己

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