請問邊隻 3 合 1 咖啡粉 好飲 ?

2007-09-19 6:33 pm
請問邊隻 3 合 1 咖啡粉 好飲 ?

響office想簡單D沖杯 3 合1 咖啡飲,但始終買唔倒隻合心水........

回答 (4)

2007-09-19 6:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我覺得OLD TOWN 白咖啡好飲,可以試下
2007-09-24 4:08 pm

參考: 我都係一日至少飲一包,研究出黎架!
2007-09-19 7:25 pm
I've tried:
1) Nestle
2) Chit Wing
3) Blue Mountain
4) UCC

For No.1) Latte, Mocca (5 packs in 1 box) are delicious. The original 3 in 1 is mild.
For No. 2), It's smelly when you open the bag, it's because of the mild powder. Maybe the quality of milk is not very good. (like the vomit smell)
For 3) Blue mountain, the brown package is better than the blue one. I forgot if the brown one named "Manhattan"
For 4) UCC,
炭燒咖啡 3 in 1 is the best I've ever tried. The cheapest price I bought is HKD19.9 / box (20 packs)

Of course, every body has his own favor, hope you like UCC.
2007-09-19 6:51 pm
我都試過晒好多3合一, 最終我搵到呢隻, , 捷榮 - 莫加咖啡, 我好鍾意飲, 好香好濃. 好relax咁...我介紹比d同事都話好, 你不防試下

你沖三合一時, 水的份量都好重要. 大多水會沖淡味. 我唔知你隻柸幾大....我建議你大慨用250ml(一個細紙包飲品)or less 熱水沖就最very good嘞!!!...先試下是否ok....然後再著量加水至合自己口味.
參考: 做秘書做左成8年, 自己試過不同牌子的三合一 咖啡

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