
2007-09-19 9:02 am
第2:就係describe a photo
第3.已經計畫左好...就一定做既 係米都要用現在進行式?

回答 (3)

2007-09-19 4:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The Present Continuous Tense is used:

1. 表示說話時正在發生的事情
 e.g. I am doing my homework Now.
What is he doing at present ?
2. 表示將會發生的事情.
e.g. I am going to see Mr. Chan to-morrow.
He is going to the cinema this evening.
2007-09-20 1:29 am
無錯, 計畫好哂又一定會實行, 我地會用現在進行式.
當然, 用返future tense都 okay既, 但用現在進行式會比人知道你一定會做呢件事囉.
2007-09-19 9:07 am
Present Tenese is mean that that things that your started but not finished!

Presenet structure:

S + V + ing

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