Do you think my photography is any good?

2007-09-18 7:26 pm
Please tell me what you think of my photos.

Here is the link:

Thank you!

回答 (16)

2007-09-18 7:32 pm
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I think they are nice.
2007-09-19 3:22 am
I hope you don't mind my honesty. I think your photographs lacked subjectivity, I could not feel that you were expressing yourself through them. As an artist, you should not just photograph an image but should use the image to express your feelings or opinions. Sorry if what I wrote offended you.
2007-09-19 2:34 am
I think you have very painterly compositions but something is wrong with your exposures. Most black and white's are underexposed and the color seems overexposed. Work on that and they'll be a hit.
2007-09-19 3:24 am
Eh, not bad. I have to agree with Sesna about the colors and blacks/whites, though. Keep working on it and you'll continue to improve. I'm no expert photographer by any means, so of far from practicing, I can't give you any other ways to improve. :)
2007-09-19 2:43 am
Although I'm no professional photographer I think your photos are beautiful! I really liked the "color of autumn" one. Keep up the good work!
2007-09-19 10:24 am
Nice enough. At least they're in focus. Your B&W lack contrast and "pop". They all look the same. Not bad, but not exciting either. Better than many who ask for critique on YA. Work on composition and your B&W conversions.
2007-09-19 5:31 am
Nice work! I posted a comment under my favorite.
2007-09-19 3:22 am
yea most of them are good.
but just a pointer. black and whites are good
but dont over do them. those trees are
beautiful. use color on pitures like that.
does your camera have a vivid setting?
if so set it to that. the colors stand out
a lot more making pictures look amazing.
2007-09-19 3:59 am
Yes, why do you ask Sweeti!

All I would suggest is that you always have a dead straight horizon line. I couldn't see the images big so I can't say if yours were crooked. They're very pleasant indeed. Keep it up.

Don't worry what other people say about your images, not too many of them are artists. You are the one who needs to enjoy your work.
2007-09-25 10:33 am
Very delightful places I could picture myself being at or see a wedding at.
2007-09-19 5:39 am
Actually, I generally really like them.

Usually I hate these kind of q's, but yours are nice to look at.

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