Does anyone know why the coke cola contains phosphate??

2007-09-19 6:18 am
Does anyone know why the coke cola contains phosphate?? Plz help me!!!

回答 (1)

2007-09-19 7:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Colas use phosphoric acid to achieve pH of 2.8, in order to make people drink it to feel 'sparking'. But in fact that is bad for your health in long run.

Colas (diet, regular, and caffeine-free) have been linked to an increased incidence of osteoporosis in women. The phosphoric acid they contain lowers the calcium level and raises the phosphate level in the blood, which pulls calcium from the bones. Just one more reason for women to get off the colas.

Dark colored soft drinks such as Coke, Dr. Pepper, Pepsi and ALL COLA DRINKS CONTAIN PHOSPHORIC ACID.

Drinking down a tall, cool glass of phosphoric acid laced with sugar is just a little less bad for you than gulping down a bottle of toilet bowl cleaner!

I'm sure it's no surprise to learn that Drinking Acid Is Hazardous To Your Health; and that's true whether you gulp down the phosphoric acid contained in cola drinks or copious quantities of the citric acid contained in clear soft drinks like Sprite, 7-up, or Ginger Ale.

The Phosphoric acid in cola drinks is so strong that it reacts with the aluminum inside soft drink cans, dissolving microscopic bits of the toxic metal, causing it to mix right in with the soda.

If you're up on the latest Alzheimer's research, you know that aluminum is linked with the development of Alzheimer's. There's no proof that aluminum causes Alzheimer's but it's a fact that every Alzheimer's victim has an unusually high concentration of Aluminum in their brain tissue. (Do you really want to risk it?)

Besides the phosphate you are exposed to in cola drinks, many other products are loaded with phosphates, including baked goods, cereals, cheeses and evaporated milk.

In high enough concentration, phosphates, block calcium absorption and flushes calcium out of your bones, which makes them thin, weak and brittle.

Phosphoric acid, which is one of the main ingredients in Coke, Dr.Pepper, Pepsi and all cola drinks, has a pH of 2.8, which is strong enough to dissolve a nail in about 4 days.

All it takes to neutralize a strong acid is a strong base. And as it turns out, the mineral calcium is perfect for the job.

Calcium is the primary raw material your body uses to make the base that neutralizes the acid and keeps your teeth from melting right out of your mouth. Thankfully, you have plenty of calcium to draw on, your bones are full of it.

Unfortunately, when calcium is sucked out of your bones to neutralize soft drink acid, your bones get thinner, weaker and brittle; doctors call this osteoporosis.

Based on the acid content alone, soft drinks should carry warning labels that read: WARNING: If you drink this sludge long enough your bones will rot.

The biochemistry involved here is simple and straight forward. Published medical studies document how efficiently the phosphoric acid in soft drinks
deteriorates bone density.

One study of particular interest, was focused entirely on discovering why a group of healthy teenage girl athletes was experiencing an unusually high rate of bone fractures while playing their team sports.

The study, examined every imaginable factor that could account for the high bone fracture rate. Finally a common link was discovered; every member of the team consumed several soft drinks daily, including before and after practice.

Once this common factor was discovered, the mystery was solved. The researchers determined that calcium was being drawn out of these healthy teenagers bones to neutralize the soft drink acid resulting in weaker bones and the abnormally high fracture rate.

Imagine that! Just a few sodas a day was all it took to weaken the bones of healthy teenage athletes.

But don't be too hasty in your judgment on soft drinks. All this negative press does not suggest that soft drinks are completely, utterly, absolutely and totally worthless.
參考: myself + internet

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