✔ 最佳答案
The below information are totally incorrect.
non jupas 0既參加資格好似你附合唔到喎....
因為non jupas 只係for city asso~~poly asso同埋open u呀....
You can apply through "Non-Jupas" to all 9 universities as you do not have any AL exam results. However, please understand that competition is very keen among BBA and there will only be limited no of Year 2 seats available for each university.
CU , HKU & UST will consider full AL cert and good results in HKCEE. If you really want to study BBA or Accountancy, try Poly U, Lingnam , City U. They have self-financed degree offered to Asso Year 2 students. The chances will be higher but school fees are comparatively highly too. For UGC Year 2 offer, it will be very very low chances if you will apply for BBA. Or you can select Top up degree from 中大進修學院 too.
Please visit each university's website in Nov/ Dec and the deadline for Non-Jupas will be around end Jan/Feb 08 depending on each university.
Good luck!!!