
2007-09-19 4:10 am
美國有無咩州係冬天會落雪"not is 暴風雪",夏天又唔會好熱??

回答 (3)

2007-09-20 6:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
基本上全部州冬天都可能落雪。最少出現落雪應該係Florida ,落雪天氣每數十年才會出現一次。但最近數百年Flordia 落雪紀錄仍然有不少,最南至Miami 都曾有紀錄。

2007-09-19 4:53 pm
Re: I live in upstate NY, we have snow in the winter, the summer is not that hot.

Depending on what part of upstate NY. Just think about how much snow the lake regions had last year or 2 years ago. over 10 ft of snow!!!!!!!!!!!

Getting a blizzard or not is depending on luck! It can happen anywhere except from the middle down.

I suggest the New England area such as Connecticut, Rhode Island and New Hampshire.
2007-09-19 10:27 am
I live in upstate NY, we have snow in the winter, the summer is not that hot.

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