
2007-09-19 3:22 am
有關於動物既英文詩~最好係d易明既詩~比埋解釋(注:唔好拿中文古詩黎- -")

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2007-09-22 12:40 pm
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Poems with rhymes:

Ducks are suffering from diseases.
Being hit so as to let them dizzy.
Being killed in such a fear.
Being eaten or abused.
How to ease guilty.
Life of misery.
hit (打) / dizzy (暈) / abuse (摧殘)
ease (減輕) / guilty (內疚) / misery (不幸)

Penguin is lovely.
The North Pole is so icy.
Black & white with a fat body.
Thick fur to keep warmth & safety.
Swinging to walk like a tumbler so funny.
But global warming makes their world so risky.
To save the environment & ecology is in emergency.
penguin (企鵝) / icy (冰冷的) / fur (皮毛) / warmth (名詞,溫暖)
swing (搖擺) / tumbler (不倒翁) / global warming (全球暖化)
risky (危險的) / ecology (生態) / emergency (緊急)
參考: My creations
2007-09-19 3:49 am
When God had made the Earth and sky, 當上帝創造了地球和天空時,
The flowers and the trees, 花和樹,
He then made all the animals 他然後創造了所有動物
And all the birds and bees. 以及所有鳥和蜜蜂。
And when his work was finished, 當他的工作完成時,
Not one was quite the same. 所有事情都不一樣
He said, "I'll walk this earth of mine, 他說,「我要走在這個我創造的地球上,
And give each one a name," 以及給每一個東西一個名字,」
And so he travelled land and sea, 他行進每個地和海,
And everywhere he went, 他去的每處,
A little creature followed Him 小的生物都跟著他
Until his strength was spent. 直到他筋疲力盡
And when all were named upon the Earth, 以及當全部在地球上被命名時,
And in the sky and sea, 以及在天空和海,
The little creature said "Dear Lord, 小生物說「親愛的神,
There's not one left for me!" 我甚麼也沒有!
The Father smiled and softely said: 他微笑和輕輕的說:
"I've left you till the end. 我直到終端離開了你。
I've turned my own name back to front, 我張我自己的名字前後顛倒了,
And called you DOG, my friend." 吧你叫個狗,我的朋友

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