
2007-09-19 2:41 am
我想問問睇醫生的英文係咩?see doctor算唔算?

回答 (18)

2007-09-19 7:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案
see a doctor 係o岩 的:
見到朋友病然後叫佢睇醫生: Why don't you see a doctor? / Go and see a doctor. / You need to see a doctor.

I went to the doctor yesterday.

I'm going to see a doctor.


咩visit the doctor...

千萬不要用visit the doctor

2007-09-19 11:49:40 補充:
參考: myself, a HKCE(syb B) Grade A + current UK student
2009-08-22 7:49 pm
唔好意思, 我唔係想挑戰你. 但就這個文法, 我詢問了我在英國當兵的朋友. 佢話 visit a doctor 才是真正的文法, 但你用 see a doctor, 都叫可以, 但唔係正統的文法.
2007-09-26 3:04 am
actually, in United States & Canada, people are using visit the doctor not see the doctor... I think both are correct depends which country you are in. This person "B" only knows the British style English and his/her judgement is a kind of one way and his/her tone is a little not polite.
2007-09-21 2:04 am
睇醫生的英文: See a doctor=看醫生;就診
2007-09-19 5:44 pm
可以的, 但其實都很<免強>
因"see doctor" 是口語來的,
書面語應是 "visit the doctor"
參考: 自己
2007-09-19 12:59 pm
See a doctor.
Consult a doctor
Go to the doctors
2007-09-19 4:09 am
see doctor is not quite correct, u may say:

I am going to the clinic.
I am seeing a doctor.
2007-09-19 2:50 am
睇醫生的英文: See a doctor=看醫生;就診
參考: Yahoo!字典
2007-09-19 2:45 am
你太口語,應該叫go to the clinic(唔可以就係甘叫看doctor)(go to the clinic)係叫做睇doctor啦

2007-09-18 18:46:49 補充:
go to the clinic的含意係看doctor(明唔明?)
參考: 自己
2007-09-19 2:44 am
see doctor
參考: me

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