Help!! English

2007-09-19 2:31 am
Change the following direct speed to reported speed.
1. 'I read an interesting article about Levi Strauss yesterday,' said Rob.
2. She told me, 'I bought a pair of Levi Strauss jeans this morning.'
3. Candy said, 'Mandy has drunk twelve cans of Coke since last weekend.'
4. 'I haven't heard of Wrigley's,' Kent told me.
Help !! help !!

回答 (3)

2007-09-19 2:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Rob said that he had read an interesting article about Levi Strauss that day.
2. She told me that she has bought a pair of Levi Strauss jeans that morning
3. Candy said that Mandy has drunk twelve cans of Coke since the last weekend.
4. Kent told me that I haven't heard of Wrigley's,&#39...

I don't know what are you talking about the forth questions. So I can't help you about that.
Sorry But I hope I can help you la!^^
2007-09-23 12:39 am
1. Rob said that he had read an interesting articale about Levi Strauss the day before.

2. She told me that she had bought a pair of Levi Strauss jeans that morning.

3. Candy said that Mandy had drunk twelve cans of Coke since the weekend before.

4. Kent told me that he had not heard of Wrigley's ,&#39 .
參考: me
2007-09-19 2:46 am
1. Rob said that he had read an interesting article about Levi Strauss yesterday.
2. She told me that she had bought a pair of Levi Strauss jeans this morning.
3. Candy said that Mandy had drunk twelve cans of Coke since last weekend.
4. Kent told me that he had not heard of Wrigley's,&#39.

Remember that you must use past + past perfect tense!
參考: me

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