急 ~ 英文問題 申請memebr card

2007-09-18 10:23 pm
我呀爸要我申請 一個會 但個會張卡係一張Master CARd 我無annual income ..但我打去銀行問. student 都申請得 .我呀爸叫我打份信. 寫我呀爸係我邊個同埋我係student .所以無annual income ..D 數由我呀爸卑. 如果我甘打 可以改咩 > thz

Dear sir/ madam.
As I am an university student in the United Kingdom, i virtually can;t provide an amount for my annual income. I hereby authorise my father Mr XXXX ( membership no. XXX ) to act on my behalf and execute any document/payments that he thinks fit.

Yours faithfully

回答 (2)

2007-09-18 10:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Dear sir/ madam.
As I am a university student in the United Kingdom, so I can't provide any annual income proof at this moment. I would like to authorise my father Mr XXXX ( membership no. XXX ) to act on my behalf and execute any document/payments that suits your requirement.

Yours faithfully
2007-09-18 10:29 pm
你可以申請一張你爸爸既附屬卡, 應該最容易過你自己申請啦. 你所用既錢, 都是由你爸爸支付.

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