
2007-09-18 10:01 pm

回答 (2)

2007-09-18 10:27 pm
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上面位仁兄的英文程度如何我不敢評論﹐不過他的sentence structure及abbreviation就千萬不要學了。

看報紙的確是學好英語的一個好方法﹐但你英文程度太低便不該用這方法﹐因為報紙用的詞語﹐語法對你來說是太深了﹐你還是先學好grammar﹐坊間有很多這類書籍﹐建議你看Oxford Practice Grammar﹐另外﹐亦要多看一些適合自已之story book或fiction去增加詞匯知識。

2007-09-18 10:07 pm
u can read english newspaper,
when u met some words u dunno,
then go to the dictionary.

in normal time u can listen more english songs,
be brave to talk with foreign since partice make perfect.

although it's some really simple things,
but if u can do it i am sure u can get improve of ur english.

good luck!!!!

2007-09-30 17:27:40 補充:
u know all language is for communication....therefore if u are willing to try u will get a great result~

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