Piano teacher / lessons (學鋼琴)

2007-09-18 8:51 pm
I got my Grade 8 in practical piano and Grade 7 in music theory a long while ago but have not played much since then. I've been thinking of picking up piano again lately and if possible work towards an advanced diploma.

Can anyone recommend a good piano teacher / music school I can go to with reasonable fees? I'm based on HK Island and can take instructions in both Cantonese or English.

Thanks for your reply... i have looked at the music courses at APA but they seem to be full-time in nature. I am working full-time so was planning to pursue this in my leisure time... any suggestions?

回答 (4)

2007-09-20 1:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
try to contact him very professional & good teacher lots of reward
2007-09-19 12:10 am
咨詢請致電及電郵:9090 8789

[email protected]
2007-09-18 11:45 pm
有個鋼琴老師可以介紹比你, lee 個老師教得好好, 好有方法及教大人經驗, 你可以到下面網站看看 la.

2007-09-18 9:12 pm
演藝學院會適合你,去試試吧! ^_^

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