我想F5後去外國讀書, 所以想由中中F3先轉去國際學校讀, 容易嗎?那間國際school適合些?

2007-09-18 9:44 am
我想F5後去外國讀書, 因恐怕F5後去外國時英文追不上, 所以想由現在中中F3先轉去國際學校讀, 容易嗎?那間國際school適合些? 如果轉不到去國際學校, 我打算下年F4去英國留學, 因現在中中課本全是中文(except 英文) 再遲走英文就更加跟上, 請給指導

回答 (2)

2007-09-18 2:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I am a form 6 student who is now studying in America, i think that as your school is Chinese school, so that for sure you english will not catch up so easily as the others, but the fact is there are many students who don't know how to speak english here, but the ameircans or even britain will feel happy to help you out. And for sure the teachers, teachers in foriegn countries are not like the teachers in hong kong, they always want to help the students, and you can even go and find them to ask for help at anytime. I don't recommand you to go to international school, even though they have a lot of americans or britain, but you won't really learn as fast as studying in a foreign country. I am pretty sure that even though you know nothing about english, you can catch up really quick as you need to speak and listen to english ans do homework about english and even read the textbooks in english everyday.
Hope i can help~ ^^
2007-09-18 11:04 am
我現在是F2, 英國留學生. 其實我覺得國際學校是不太需要的. 如果能夠早一點去的話也許好一點, 因為畢竟要時間去適應... 你可以去參加一些英國文化協會的club去增強自己的英語能力吧!!
參考: 親身經歷...

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