
2007-09-18 9:22 am
1)you ’re nut
2)blow someone’s mind
3)for god’s sake
4)screw up
5)my gosh


回答 (3)

2007-09-18 9:50 am
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You're nuts 你發神經咩

A: I'm going to give away everything I own.
B: You're nuts

Blow someone's mind (表示好難以致信)

A: Did you hear? He really gave away everything he owned.
B: Yeah, that really blew my mind.

For God's sake (表示好頂唔順)

A: I'm going to give away everything I own.
B: For God's sake, you're nuts.

screw up 衰左
my gosh = my God (表示驚訝)

A: Can you help? I'm hungry. I gave away everything I own.
可唔可以幫下我?我好肚餓。 我分晒我d身家俾人
B. My gosh, you really screwed up, didn't you?

2007-09-18 10:13:54 補充:
冇人會講 you're nut,只有講 you're nuts。

2007-09-18 10:17:19 補充:
Blow someone's mind 係表示行為犀利到難以致信,絕對唔係「confuse人咁解」。

2007-09-18 10:21:10 補充:
screw up 亦都唔係「搞唔好....d野」,screw up 係搞出個大頭佛。一個人俾人話係個 screw up ,係話佢係個失敗者咁解。A: I lost my wallet again.我又唔見左個銀包啦。B: You're such a screw-up.你真失敗。

2007-09-18 10:32:58 補充:
樓下的英文不通。 You are completely nuts if you think it is work. 應該係 You are completely nuts if you think this will work.

2007-09-18 10:33:07 補充:
 You're preformance really blow my mind 應該係 Your performance really blew my mind please dont do this just for the god sake 應該係 For God's sake, please don't do this!
2007-09-18 10:16 am
1) you're nut(s): crazy person
You are completely nuts if you think it is work
He is a nut

2) blow someone's mind: make someone surprise
You're preformance really blow my mind

3) for god's sake: do something good for god
please dont do this just for the god sake

4) screw up: make something worse, do something wrong.
if you screw up one more time, I will never forgive you
Pleaes dont screw up the project

5) my gosh: my god 的意思
2007-09-18 9:45 am
1) 話人白痴用
2) confuse人咁解
3) 話人"好心你啦..." (有d嬲既成份)
4) 搞唔好....d野
5) 同 "o my god" 一樣

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