How would I know the salary before I go to the job?

2007-09-17 9:03 pm
Before I turn in the resume, I want to know how much salary are they offering, but how could I find out. People say it is not good to ask how much are they going to pay me in the interview. So what should I do?

回答 (8)

2007-09-17 9:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You can research the average salary range for the position and ask others in the field. This should be part of your research that involves your investigating the company that you are applying to. You should have some range in your own mind when you go for your interview and you may or may not have a position and salary that you are leaving. I wouldn't talk of salary until near the end of an interview if I thought the position had potential for me..
2007-09-18 4:13 am
Try using the yahoo job link. You can type in the job title, your amount of experience, and the state you live in. You will be able to find out about how much your salary should be. At the end of the interview you will be asked if you have any questions, it would be appropriate at that time to ask what the starting pay is.
2007-09-18 4:11 am
Difficult one that, it always bothers me, I once went for 2 interviews for a job and still wasnt told how much. I never got the job and afterwards found out it was less than £10k per annum. If they'd told me that before hand I wouldn't have wasted mine or there time.

I should be compulsory to tell everyone what at least the starting salary is in my view

good luck
2007-09-18 4:11 am
You can't ask directly but I would ask for a copy of the job description as sometimes this states the salary.
Otherwise, go to the company internet site and type in the name of the job - sometimes vacancies and salaries are recorded here.

Or you could go to a recruitment website and type in the company or job title - maybe the job was listed on the recruitment site and will show salary.
2007-09-18 4:10 am
you dont ask em straight p how much you offering but ask what they pay as its a company i assume so during the interview they might even tell you we dont pay alot just gonna have to get the job first they will tell you how much they offering for you then you can chose w/e you wanna do
2007-09-18 4:10 am
Usually it is recommended you wait until you are called back for a second interview or if there is no second interview and after your first interview, they call and tell you that you got the job- ask then.
2007-09-18 4:10 am
You wait for an offer, then counteroffer
2007-09-18 4:09 am
I really don't think you can. Do you know anybody who works there? I do not this it is inappropriate to ask the salary range during the interview.

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