
2007-09-18 7:00 am
had been同have been有咩分別?

回答 (5)

2007-09-18 7:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
have been : present pefect
指你曾經做過嘅事, 可能而家仲做緊, 或已經完成冇再做
而 had been: past pefect
都係指你曾經做過嘅事, 但肯定已經完成, 或已經冇再做.
ex: I have been sick 你曾經病 ( 可能而家仲病緊, 或已經好番冇病)
I had been sick 你曾經病 ( 肯定你而家已經好番, 冇病)
參考: myself
2007-09-18 9:18 am
1. has been and have been----- 是verb to be 的 現在完成式。
現在完成式 Present perfect tense 是表示該活動由過去連結到現在.
a connection with now 和 to give new information or to
announce a recent happening. 剛剛發生 just 亦會用到這tense.
例句:The road is closed . There has been an accident.

2. had been----- 是 verb to be 的 遇去完成式。
過去完成式 past perfect tense 是說那件事在過去某段時間發生。
something that happened in the past 和 things happened before
at a period of time.
例句: May had just got home when I phoned. She had been
in London. (注意全句發生在過去)

1. 完成式 Perfect tense 很多時要比較 2 個 verbs 動詞的先後時間。
2. 由於 has been, have been , had been 是 verb to be 的 perfect
tense, 所以你要明白 verb to be 的用法。
3. 有關verb to be 的用法可到 知識+ 或其他網找。我以前答過。


參考: self + book
2007-09-18 7:56 am
如上文所講 , 在過去的時態裏, 一直在做的一件事 , 用 had been, 在現在時態裏 , 一直在做的一件事, 用 have been or has been.

e.g. I have been living there since 1980.
自 1980 年 , 我一直都住在這裏

e.g. We have been talking all day.

e.g. It has been raining cats and dogs.

e.g. When she arrived, I had been waiting for three hours.
當她到的時候 , 我一直在等了三小時.

e.g. I realized that I had been overworking, so I decided to take a couple of
days' holiday.
我察覺到我一直工作過多了 , 所以我決定去放幾天假期

e.g. He had been hiding the truth until his mom had realized that.

e.g. She had been cheated by her son until she had realized that.
(由於是被動式 , 所以是 had been cheated )

e.g. He had been chosen as the leader since he studied at Form 1.
自他就讀中一時 , 他一直被選為領袖

2007-09-18 7:22 am
HAVE BEEN 係現在完成進行式
EXP:He has been eating for three hours.

HAD BEEN 係過去完成進行式
EXP:He has been eating for three hours before the waiter came.

HAD BEEN就係描述之前發生GE野
而HAVE BEEN就係依家都係度發緊GE野
2007-09-18 7:12 am
had been and have been 意思上基本冇分別, 但文法上卻有不同.
for example: When I was ......, I had been .......
由於前句用 "was", 因此要配對時式 (Tense).
如果前句用 "is", 則要用現在式 (present tense)了.

希望能夠解答你的疑難 ^^

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