Advantages of being a civil servant in HK

2007-09-18 5:37 am
what is the advantage to be a civil servant??

what is the annual increasing rate of the salary recently?

(answer in Chinese is OK)

回答 (2)

2007-09-18 6:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) Stable working environment
2) Sufficient manpower that you are not supposed to work overtime
3) If you work overtime, you get overtime pay
4) If your supervisor is on leave, you can get compensation for temporary taking up the duties
5) If your job performance is not good, it will take 2 years to fire you.
6) Salary is high because government want to uplift the morale
7) Staff quarters are given to some civil servants
8) Annual increasing rate is 4-5% in recent increase
9) The risk of employer bankrupt is low
10) The risk of late payment of salary is low
2007-09-18 5:48 am

政府的公務員薪酬調整政策, 是每年調整薪酬一次, 調整幅度應
大致上與私營機構相若, 因此, 政府每年會進行一次私營機構薪酬趨
勢調查。調查所得結果, 在減去公務員的增薪開支後, 便成為考慮每

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