✔ 最佳答案
Five Thousand Four Hundred and Three and Cents Ninety Eight Only-----
ps. 支票本身款項佢印左dollar在前面, 所以你寫的唔會再寫dollar, 亦要跟番佢張dollar 同cents 放前面, 仲有要加only 作最後, 如果唔係, 好易俾人在後面再加錢, 例如5000蚊的話, 如果就咁寫Dollars Five Thousand的話, 人地可以後面後加"and nine hundred"之類, 所要要加only, 所以變左全句是
Thje sum of Hong Kong Dollars Five Thousand Four Hundred and Three and Cents Ninety Eight Only-----
支票抬頭是英文, 款項最好都是用英文, 但你要寫中文的話, 都無問題, 唔會入唔到票
2007-09-17 20:08:59 補充:
打多左個j 字, 應該是Pay XXX (你寫俾邊個收)The sum of Hong Kong Dollars Five Thousand Four Hundred and Three and Cents Ninety Eight Only-----