
2007-09-18 3:19 am
e.g. 1:00 (one o'clock)
1. 1:05 (_______) 2. 1:10(______) 3. 1:15(______) 4. 1:30(_____)
5. 1:40(_______) 6. 1:45(____) 7. 1:55(_______)

plz....help me !!

回答 (2)

2007-09-18 4:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 1:05 (one o'clock and five minutes)
2. 1:10 (one o'clock and ten minutes)
3. 1:15 (one o'clock and fifteen minutes)
4. 1:30 (one o'clock and thirty minutes)
5. 1:40 (one o'clock and forty mintues)
6. 1:45 (one o'clock and forty-five minutes)
7. 1:55 (one o'clock and fifty-five minutes)
2007-09-18 3:23 am
1. five past one
2. ten past one
3.a quarter past one
4.half past one
5.twenty minutes to two/one forty
6. a quarter to two
7.five minutes to two

收錄日期: 2021-04-30 20:51:37
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