急問!英文問題(1條) (20分)(急要)

2007-09-18 1:59 am
急問!英文問題(1條) (20分)(急要)
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the given verb.(只有一題)
1.Peter tried to corss the road.He_______(not see)the car coming fast.(應該點做?)
by:Billy Chung 嚴禁抄襲

回答 (8)

2007-09-18 2:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the given verb.(只有一題)

1.Peter tried to corss the road.He__does not see_____(not see)the car coming fast.(應該點做?)
參考: me
2007-09-18 3:36 am
Peter tried to corss the road.He didn't see the car coming fast.
2007-09-18 2:08 am
Peter tried to corss the road.He did not see (not see)the car coming fast.
2007-09-18 2:08 am
Peter tried to cross the road. He_______(not see) the car coming fast.

這題的答案應該是 had not seen

首先,tried 已經告訴我們這件事件發生在past。

但是為什麼後句不用past tense而是past perfect tense呢?

Pasr perfect tense 的作用就是表達/突出在past的一件事件


既然整句句子想表達的是在cross the road之前他沒有看到the car coming fast,

所以便應該用had not seen, 而不是did not see了。

2007-09-17 18:10:02 補充:
typle:Past perfect tense,不是pasr perfect tense
參考: 自己
2007-09-18 2:06 am
.Peter tried to corss the road.He doesnot seethe car coming fast.
參考: NO
2007-09-18 2:04 am
Peter tried to corss the road.He didn't(not see)the car coming fast.
參考: me
2007-09-18 2:02 am
可能是did not see
2007-09-18 2:02 am
1.Peter tried to corss the road.He did not see (not see)the car coming fast.

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