
2007-09-18 1:28 am
道歉信(eng)原則唔記得bring book....

回答 (2)

2007-09-18 1:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
To Mr.XXX/Mdm. XXX(someone/Teacher),

Letter of Apology(Caption-centre and underline)

I regret to say that I forgot to bring the text book of (SubjectName /History/Chi...)
back to school today. I really am sorry and promise it won't happen again. Could you forgive me, please.

Yours Sincerely,

Student of F1A
2007-09-18 8:58 pm
Dear xxx

I am so sorry to forget to bring back the book. Could you give me one more opportunity? I promise that I will do it tomorrow.

Thanks a lot!

Best regards
your name

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