
2007-09-17 11:08 pm
時間 : 12:00-4:30 or 18:30-23:30

回答 (3)

2007-09-17 11:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
yes I have a son he 5years old but I and my wife will go work so I hope find people help me to take care my son I live in fanling but you need cook ar
because you need made lunch to my son I hope you working time in 12:00-4:30 are you ok ? dollars I can give you 250 one days if you ok send the message to my e-mail
[email protected]
2007-09-18 7:28 am
我有好介紹喎~自己都做緊~你要資料可以問我[email protected]
2007-09-18 12:12 am
有冇興趣上以下之網站登記,因我現時日間做著一份全職,但晚間就在家中于電腦做著這份網上介紹的兼職,這份兼職好在我想幾時做就幾時做、一日之內想做幾耐就幾耐,時間全由我控制, 而我參加的第一個月就已有6000元的收入。所以我也介紹給你分享,希望你也試一試:


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