如果你地boss系老外 點算

2007-09-17 8:17 pm
我個boss系老外 自己本身英文又好一般~ 想問下一般要應用到既英文點講 有冇有用既website post 上來 俾我參考下 €_€ "... (日常用語,電話對答...)

回答 (3)

2007-09-17 8:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
既然老外 boss 肯聘請你, 即你的英文可迎合他的要求

用回自己熟識的語法, 平常心處理吧 !
祝工作愉快 ~
2007-09-17 8:47 pm
To improve your english, I would suggest the followings:

1) Watch TV (only english channels), spend at least 2 hours everyday. Do not read the chines sub-title. Try to listen as much as you can without looking at the sub-title.

2) Ask someone who is very good in english to choose for you some "English Conversation CDs" to cover the everyday english in the field which you are working (For example, there is CD for waiter, CD for office executive, CD for construction foreman).

3) Try to speak english without feeling shy or embrassed. When you speak, you can add a little body language, this can also help.
2007-09-17 8:29 pm
我老細係韓國人TIM la~ 佢d英文真係嘩哈哈~~

其實語言只係溝通其中一種工具~ 最緊要係用個心去溝通~

講唔明咪用動作lor~ 睇唔明咪畫公仔lor~~

記住, 用最簡單0既方法去表達你想講0既野~ 加油~

香港英文最易學, 開電視只係睇明珠同國際台~ 一路聽一路睇, 聽唔明睇字幕~ 半年內一定識聽識講~
我之前去第2到讀書, 真係一句英文都聽唔明, 半年到開始可以同人正常溝通~ 連西班牙話都學埋~
參考: 己己~

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