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相機可以捕捉笑容並自動進行拍照,要由 Face Dectection 技術說起,時下的數碼相機多具 Face Dectection 功能,有效調整焦距、暴光、閃光燈及色調等等。
『‧‧‧Fuji, Canon, Nikon, Pentax, and Samsung all had cameras available that could automatically identify faces in a composition, then adjust focus and exposure for them‧‧‧』
『‧‧‧with Face Detection Technology activated, will automatically focus on the person rather than trees in the background or objects in the foreground that may happen to fall in the center of the frame. Since the system is capable of evaluating and scoring up to 10 faces at once, it will automatically provide the best possible focus‧‧‧』
『‧‧‧ Face Detection technology that recognizes up to 8 faces in a photo and automatically controls focus, exposure, color and flash to bring out the best in everyone. Unlike some competitive systems, Sony Face Detection makes skin tones look more natural and reduces red-eye with pre-strobe flash.』
Face Dectection 技術主要透過分辨面部顏色和動態部份,眨動的眼睛,從而鎖定目標臉孔,因此其他動物和印在衣服臉也被排除。捕捉笑容其實只是 Face Dectection 技術的延伸,透過運算和比較目標臉孔的變化幅度或顏色比例的變化,如牙齒的白,口腔的黑,從而發出訊號,觸發快門,拍下照片。因此,扮鬼臉和一張哭臉也極可能觸發快門,所以相機自動拍了小朋友的哭臉也別奇怪。
『‧‧‧Face Detection system and intelligent Smile Shutter algorithm do the rest‧‧‧』
Finding faces
Face Tracking
Face Detection Demo
2007-09-21 10:29:05 補充:
Face Detection 和 Face Recognition 有少許分別,前者只要找出面孔;後者除找出面孔還要肯定身份,多作保安用途,即所謂 BioID。Face Recognition
2007-09-21 10:38:57 補充:
早年的電子狗 AIBO 會追逐粉紅色的球,便是使用 Face Detection 技術,與追蹤一張臉無異;而它能夠分辨主人面孔則需要應用 Face Recognition 。
2007-09-21 10:44:43 補充:
由上文 『‧‧‧ Sony Face Detection makes skin tones look more natural and reduces red-eye with pre-strobe flash.』,可以推斷它是以面色和眼睛來追蹤臉孔的。
2007-09-21 16:30:59 補充:
此追蹤笑臉技術,她們稱為 smile-recognition shutter ,比較目標口部、眼睛和唇部的變化來決定是否笑臉。
2007-09-21 16:31:32 補充:
『‧‧‧ smile-recognition shutter function selected by the touch panel, you can pick which of up to eight people‧‧‧』
2007-09-21 16:31:58 補充:
『‧‧‧analyzes facial features (such as mouth and eye wrinkles or lip separation) to determine when a subject is smiling‧‧‧』