君看雙眼色, 不語似無愁......求翻譯.

2007-09-17 8:37 am
君看雙眼色, 不語似無愁.
請隨心, 道出味道, 乃至創作亦歡迎.

回答 (3)

2007-09-17 8:06 pm
Needless to speak out there's no sadness in her eyes!
2007-09-17 8:01 pm
1) Even though he/she didn't say anthing, it is easy to know that he/she is very sad from his/her eyes.

2) From his/her eyes, we find how depress he/she is.
參考: myself
2007-09-17 3:17 pm
君看雙眼色, 不語似無愁.


The gentleman sees a pair of expression of eyeses, not language have no sorrow

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